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Upgrade to Turbo

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Upgrade to Turbo

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Upgrade to Turbo


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Upgrade to Turbo


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Upgrade to Turbo

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Upgrade to Turbo

Блатной коктейль (2022) Mp3

Автор: Lonewolf 15-02-2022, 22:19 Раздел: Музыка / Шансон

Исполнитель: Various Artists
Название: Блатной коктейль
Дата релиза: 2022
Жанр: Шансон, русский шансон
Количество композиций: 100
Формат | Качество: MP3 | 320 kbps
Продолжительность: 06:43:38
Размер: 923 MB (+3%)
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Подробнее Комментарии (0) Просмотры: 1 711

Мир между Мирами / World between World v.0.3.1 (2022) RUS/ENG/PC

Игра Мир между Мирами представляет собой симулятор с четко прописанным основным сюжетом, в котором развитие сюжета невозможно без привлечения множества побочных эффектов, пройдя ряд обязательных вводных квестов, игрок может полностью игнорировать основной сюжет лишь для того, чтобы развивать отношения с NPC. Вы начинаете игру за простого ботана, который только что поступил в университет и мечтает начать активную половую жизнь, родительские связи помогают ему выздороветь и получить некоторые привилегии, но в конце первого учебного дня он становится свидетелем совершенно необъяснимого события, которое коренным образом изменит всю его жизнь. И не только он, но и судьба всего мира тоже будет в его руках. Начальные условия низкие. Чтобы попасть на вершину мира, главному герою придется подчиняться сильным и командовать слабыми. Мир жесток и извращен.

The game World between World is a simulator with a clearly defined main plot in which the progress of the plot is impossible without the involvement of many side effects, after passing a series of mandatory introductory quests, the player can completely ignore the main plot just to develop a relationship with the NPCs. You start the game as a simple nerd who has just entered the university and dreams of starting an active sexual life, parental connections help him get well and get some privileges, but at the end of the first school day he witnesses a completely inexplicable event that will radically change his whole life. And not only him, but the fate of the whole world will also be in his hands. Initial conditions are low. To get to the top of the world, the main character will have to obey the strong and command the weak. The world is cruel and perverted.
  • 100
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Ksenija Sidorova - Carmen (Hi-Res) FLAC

Artist: Ksenija Sidorova
Title Of Album: Carmen
Year Of Release: 2016
Label: Deutsche Grammophon
Country: Latvia
Genre: Classical
Quality: FLAC (*tracks, booklet)
Bitrate: Lossless [96kHz/24bit]
Time: 52:36 min
Full Size: 1 GB

This release by accordionist Ksenija Sidorova is a bit difficult to classify, and therein lies its considerable appeal. It contains tunes from Bizet's Carmen, some of the most familiar tunes in the entire classical repertory. The accordion, an instrument on the fringes of the tradition, cannot help but evoke the strolling musicians of a century ago who might have made a living by playing operatic hits just like these. Yet the album is not a contemporary crossover release, nor one bringing nostalgia for the Eastern European cafes of a century ago. Get by the novelty and you'll find a striking variety of treatments of Bizet's music. Sidorova is accompanied by no fewer than three ensembles: a chamber wind-and-string group called Nuevo Mundo, a trio of piano, guitar, and percussion, and the Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra, candidly touted in the booklet as having "set its sights on becoming an orchestra of the finest calibre" (it may be that they're already there). You might think the musical results would be all over the map, but the mix of slinky accordion, jazz-like percussion, and careful chamber arrangements of Bizet's tunes holds together. Credit may go to musical director and pianist Michael Abramovich, but it accrues as well to Sidorova, who has both the chops and the attitude to pull off a project that's fun and sexy, sure, but also bracing and novel. -- James Manheim
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Michael Stern, Kansas City Symphony - Elgar: Enigma Variations; Vaughan Williams: Greensleeves, The Wasps (HDTracks) FLAC

Artist: Michael Stern, Kansas City Symphony
Title Of Album: Elgar: Enigma Variations; Vaughan Williams: Greensleeves, The Wasps
Year Of Release: 2013
Label (Catalog#): Reference Recordings
Country: USA
Genre: Classical
Quality: FLAC (*tracks,d.booklet)
Bitrate: Lossless [24Bit/176,4kHz]
Time: 61:11
Full Size: 1,65 GB

Recorded: May 4–6, 2011 Community of Christ Auditorium, Independence, Missouri.

ClassicsToday Review by David Hurwitz:
The universe is not exactly desperate for more recordings of this repertoire, but this one, surprising as it might seem, is pretty excellent. Michael Stern and his Kansas City Symphony take to the music as if to the manner born. The Wasps, here given as the complete suite and not just the overture, is delightful. Perhaps the only slight miscalculation in the entire performance is the overly swift March Past of the Kitchen Utensils, which loses some of its comic swagger at Stern’s tempo. Otherwise the overture and (especially) the Ballet and Final Tableau offer pure enjoyment from start to finish. The Fantasia on Greensleeves, un-killable in just about any circumstances, sounds just fine as well.
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The Digital Hourglass (2022) Mp3

Традиционно в эти числа года западная музыкальная сфера выпускает большое количество новых альбомов. Не будут исключением из этого правила и рок-музыканты, работы которых заслуживающие внимания представлены в музыкальном тематическом сборнике"The Digital Hourglass".

Исполнитель: Various Musicians
Название: The Digital Hourglass
Страна: World
Лейбл: Rebel
Жанр музыки: Rock, Alternative
Дата релиза: 2022
Количество композиций: 150
Формат | Качество: MP3 | 320 kbps
Продолжительность: 10:19:02
Размер: 1,46 GB (+3%)
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Подробнее Комментарии (0) Просмотры: 716
