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Upgrade to Turbo

Игры Пристолов ХХХ Пародия / This Ain't Game Of Thrones: This Is A Parody (DVDRip) - Video XXX

Автор: DVD-CD 28-06-2024, 11:27 Раздел: Эротика

XXX Пародия на легендарный фильм Игры Пристолов.

От известного режиссера Акселя Брауна вышла долгожданная пародия для взрослых на одно из самых захватывающих телешоу десятилетия. Это не «Игра престолов XXX» — забавная, умная, сексуальная и очень интересная жемчужина, которая обязательно понравится поклонникам оригинала.

From acclaimed director Axel Braun comes the long awaited adult parody of one of the most riveting TV shows of the decade. This Ain't Game Of Thrones XXX is a funny, smart, sexy and highly entertaining gem that fans of the original will absolutely love.
  • 100
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Chilly - Greatest Hits (2CD) Mp3

Автор: admin 28-06-2024, 09:40 Раздел: Музыка / Pop Dance

Chilly (Чилли) - западногерманская диско-группа, получившая наибольшую популярность в конце 1970-х годов. Которая задала новые стандарты диско-музыки, добавив роковую жесткость в аранжировки.
Отличная подборка избранного и для знакомства с группой Chilly на 2CD, и для постановки на самое видно место своей музыкальной коллекции.

Исполнитель: Chilly
Название: Chilly - Greatest Hits (2CD)
Дата релиза: 2018
Страна: Germany
Жанр: Disco, Pop, Dance
Количество композиций: 43
Формат | Качество: MP3 | 320 kbps
Продолжительность: 02:29:49
Размер: 358 MB (+3%)
  • 100
Подробнее Комментарии (0) Просмотры: 784

Queen-The Platinum Collection: Greatest Hits I, II&III (3CD) Mp3

Автор: Lonewolf 28-06-2024, 09:31 Раздел: Музыка / Рок

Исполнитель: Queen
Название: Queen-The Platinum Collection: Greatest Hits I, II&III (3CD)
Дата релиза: 2000
Жанр: Rock, Classic Rock
Количество композиций: 51
Формат | Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs
Продолжительность: 03:30:10
Размер: 484 MB (+3%)
  • 100
Подробнее Комментарии (0) Просмотры: 3 754

Wiener Philharmoniker, Karl Bohm - Mozart: Requiem, K.626 (1971/2012) (HDTracks) FLAC

Artist: Wiener Philharmoniker, Karl Bohm
Title Of Album: Wiener Philharmoniker, Karl Bohm - Mozart: Requiem, K.626
Year Of Release: 2012 (1971)
Label (Catalog#): Deutsche Grammophon
Country: Austria
Genre: Classical, Choral
Quality: FLAC (*tracks, front)
Bitrate: Lossless [24Bit/192kHz]
Time: 01:04:30
Full Size: 2,41 GB (+3%)

Recorded: April 1971, Grosser Saal, Musikverein, Wien, Austria.

AllMusic Review by James Leonard:
Karl Bohm 1971 Deutsche Grammophon recording of Mozart's Requiem has long been regarded as the best, deepest, truest, and most Austrian recording of the work. With the Wiener Staatsopernchor and the Wiener Philharmoniker, plus soloists Edith Mathis, Julia Hamari, Wieslaw Ochman, and Karl Ridderbusch, Bohm created a fuliginously sorrowful, luminously consoling, and numinously blessed performance of Mozart's final masterpiece and Deutsche Grammophon has wisely kept the performance almost continuously in print since its release. But old timers always said there was another, even better, Bohm-led performance of the Requiem, a performance given during the gala, month-long celebration of the re-opening of the Wiener Staatsoper in November 1955, a performance said to have the special intensity of a solemn musical ceremony. Destroyed during the last days of the war, the reopening of the country's pre-eminent opera house 10 years later under Bohm was Austria's joyous re-affirmation of its cultural identity ...Considered lost for decades, a recording of the entire performance has at last been released on Orfeo, and as it turns out, Bohm and his forces did indeed give a performance fully commensurate with the occasion. With Irmgard Seefried, Hildegard R?ssel-Majdan, Anton Dermota, and Gottlob Frick, plus, of course, the Wiener Staatsopernchor and the Wiener Philharmoniker, Bohm's 1955 Requiem goes even deeper into the sorrowful heart of the work by being even truer both to its composer and to his country. As captured in Orfeo's harsh but honest remastering, this Requiem demands to be heard by anyone who was ever touched by the work - and that, of course, includes everyone who has ever heard the work.
  • 100
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