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Upgrade to Turbo

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Upgrade to Turbo

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Upgrade to Turbo


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Upgrade to Turbo


«    Март 2025    »


Upgrade to Turbo

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Upgrade to Turbo

Звезды 1 / Stars 1 (DVDRip)

Автор: DVD-CD 22-10-2024, 20:43 Раздел: Эротика

Откройте для себя фантазии этих пяти звезд Дорсель
Сегодня вечером, красивая Клэр Кастель встречается с двумя незнакомцами в одном из самых эксклюзивных клубов Парижа. Как только она приезжает, просто одетая в прозрачный наряд, который ничего не скрывает от ее идеальных изгибов, молодая женщина спешит принять жесткий секс своих партнеров во рту. Этот секс-эксперт дает им идеальное фелляция, секрет которой у нее есть. После этого интенсивного орального секса двое мужчин пользуются всеми прелестями, которые Клэр может им предложить. Это вечер, который Клэр должна помнить надолго.
Черри Кисс, Зази Скайм и Аня Крей давно дружат, но никогда не находят время собраться вместе. Чтобы наверстать упущенное, эти три прекрасные молодые женщины решили провести несколько дней вместе в великолепной вилле. Хотя они никогда не делали решительных шагов, сексуальное напряжение между тремя друзьями ощутимо. В то время как Черри восхищается красивой Зази, выходящей из бассейна, просто одетой в белый купальник, раскрывающий ее чувственные изгибы, Аня проскальзывает позади нее и начинает ласкать ее страстью. Этим молодым женщинам не нужно гораздо больше, чтобы, наконец, прорваться сквозь невидимый барьер, разделяющий их. Как будто она все спланировала с самого начала, Аня вытаскивает анальную пробку, которую она медленно вставляет в анус Черри. Между томными поцелуями и нежными лесбийскими играми, есть большая вероятность, что теперь они будут использовать любую возможность, чтобы провести время вместе.

Tonight, the pretty Claire Castel has a date with two strangers in one of the most exclusive clubs in Paris. As soon as she arrives, simply dressed in a transparent outfit that hides nothing of her perfect curves, the young woman hastens to take the hard sex of her partners in her mouth. This sex expert gives them perfect fellatio, which she has the secret of. After this intense oral sex, the two men take advantage of all the charms that Claire has to offer them. This is an evening that Claire should remember for a long time.
Cherry Kiss, Zazie Skymm and Anya Krey have been friends for a long time but never find the time to get together. To make up for lost time, these three beautiful young women have decided to spend a few days together in a splendid villa. Although they've never taken the plunge before, the sexual tension between the three friends is palpable. While Cherry admires the pretty Zazie coming out of the pool simply dressed in a white swimsuit revealing her sensual curves, Anya slips in behind her and begins to caress her with passion. It doesn't take much more than that for these young women to finally break through the invisible barrier that separates them. As if she had planned everything from the start, Anya pulls out an anal plug that she slowly inserts into Cherry's anus. Between languorous kisses and tender lesbian games, there's a good chance that from now on, they'll jump at every opportunity to spend time together.
Sybil and Charlie Dean have been seeing each other for some time now, but the young woman has decided to stall her boyfriend before offering herself to him. Yet one day she makes him an offer he'd be foolish to refuse. He has been waiting for so long to take full advantage of the young woman's perfect curves. As soon as Charlie arrives at her place, Sybil kisses him on the lips as she caresses him. If he still had any, Charlie now has no doubt about the young lady's intentions. After a languorous striptease, Sybil reveals the sexy lingerie she wore for the occasion. Not wanting to waste any more time, the couple caresses each other before moving on to more serious things. Why waste time going to the bedroom when a pool table does the trick? The young woman can't refuse her boyfriend anything in this sweet and intense sex game.
Anissa Kate is a pretty brunette whose curves would make any man crack. Anissa's husband is well aware that he can't fully satisfy his wife's sexual desires on his own, so he gives her complete freedom to have fun with other men during his many business trips. For example, tonight Anissa met two strangers at a club. It didn't take long to convince them to follow her to her rich apartment for one of the most intense threesomes. Very excited by her generous shapes barely hidden by her luscious lingerie, the two men intend to take full advantage of the young woman's charms. She was waiting for it and to be sure to leave them with an imperishable memory, she offers them all her orifices soaked with desire, even going so far as to let them sodomize her deeply.
Kaisa Nord and Alberto Blanco met by chance while jogging on the beach. But the current immediately passed between them and they quickly decided to move in together. Their attraction is such that the doesn’t care where they are to enjoy each other's bodies. Whether in an underground car park or simply in the living room of their new apartment, everything is an excuse to make love. To properly celebrate their move and to organize an original and intimate house-warming party, the pretty redhead has decided that a striptease would be enough to get her partner excited. Although he knows every curve of her perfect body, Alberto is not a man to turn down such a proposal.
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